The Four Speeches of Allah Revealed in the Quran Innallaha ma sabireen
The meaning of sura al-Imran chapter three is clear: the believer is to be steadfast in his faith and to hold Allah in awe. Innallaha ma sabireen This is explained in two ways: the word steadfastness, sabiru, has two different meanings. The first is the concept that believers are to endure hardship for the cause of Allah, while the second is the concept that they should excel over unbelievers.
In the first speech Innallaha ma sabireen:
In the first speech, Allah says, “The earth was created by the wrath of His Messenger, Imran.” This verse refers to the first generation of the Muslims, Ali-Imran, who is the grandfather of Isa (AS). In the second speech, Allah tells us that the people of the Earth will be able to follow him and the prophets. The third speech begins in the seventh ruku, and continues from the twelfth ruku until the end of the surah. This verse refers to the battle of Ohod, which took place in the ninth Hijri.
The third speech begins with verse one and continues to verse 63. The verses of the first speech are the same as the first speech. The second speech ends at the end of the fourth ruku, and the third speech begins at the beginning of the seventh ruku. The first and second speeches were revealed at the same time, and were considered signs. The verses of sura al-Imran have been interpreted as a sign by many scholars, and are considered to be a part of the Qur’an.
The third speech begins in verse one and ends at the end of verse 63:
The third speech begins in verse one and ends at the end of verse 63. The second speech is similar to the first and was revealed in the 9th Hijri after the Najran delegation arrived. The fourth speech starts at the beginning of the thirteenth ruku and goes until the end of the surah Innallaha ma sabireen in Urdu . The last speech is the most important, as it contains the most important message.
The third speech begins at verse one and ends in verse 200. The first speech speaks of the descendants of Imran, while the second speech is a reference to the descendants of the Prophet. The fourth speech is the last of the three speeches, and it is believed to have been revealed near the battle of Badr. The fifth speech also speaks about the future. The seventh speech is the most important of all.
The first speech begins in verse one and ends in verse 93:
The first speech begins in verse one and ends in verse 93. This speech is a prelude to the fourth speech, and the fourth is the third. The third speech speaks of the fathers of the Prophets. The Prophets, however, speak of the prophets, and so, the second and third speeches describe the descendants of the Prophet. They are both grandfathers and fathers of the apostles.see:
The first speech starts at verse one and ends at verse 63. This speech was revealed in the ninth Hijri, just after the battle of Badr. The second speech has an origin in the first speech, and is followed by the third. The last speech, however, is a recitation of the Qur’an. It is the most important of all the quranic surahs.
The first speech starts at verse 33 and ends in verse 63:
The first speech starts at verse 33 and ends in verse 63. It is the first speech, and it was revealed in the 9th Hijri, when the delegation of the Najran came to the city. The second speech was revealed before the battle of Badr. The final speech, which concludes at verse 32, was revealed after the battle of Ohod. A recitation of the Qur’an is a sign of God, a reminder that we must worship Him. see:
The first speech starts at verse thirty-three and ends at verse 63. The second speech was revealed in the ninth Hijri, when the delegation of the Najran came to the city. The third speech starts at the seventh ruku and continues until the thirteenth ruku. It was revealed just after the battle of Ohod. These verses are also related to the father of Isa.