The Top 10 Web Development Technologies for 2022

The spectrum of web development services in the USA has expanded from the mere creation of a website to the accommodation of techniques that appear from time to time. Since most of the internet audience expect immediate loading time and an unparalleled experience, the web developers from the top digital agency strive to integrate the latest strategies to serve their clients as well as the consumers
AI-Powered Chatbots
No one can deny the importance of Artificial Intelligence in the efficient execution of our routine tasks. It does the grunt work so that, we humans don’t have to do it.
Today, in digital marketing, AI has well set its claws in customer services using chatbots. However, AI-powered chatbots are more revolutionary than typical ones. They use natural-learning processing (NLP) and machine learning (ML) to depict a human-like experience for a better interpretation of the user’s intent. The efficiency of AI-powered chatbots can be seen through their implementation by renowned B2C companies such as Skype, WhatsApp, and Facebook Messenger.
Self-learning bots provide round-the-clock problem-solving features and behavior analytical capacities. Their capacity is being upgraded with each passing day to render them efficient to perform a wide variety of tasks. From communicating with visitors on-site, answering FAQs, and linking them to relevant human representatives, all for a seamless user experience to analyzing the data and managing sales enquires – the chatbots have conveniently eradicated the need for support managers. Moreover, they have deemed themselves as an expedient investment that would save organizations their time, money, and manpower.
Progressive Web Applications
A progressive web app (PWA) is a website that mimics the template and functionality of a mobile app. Its development draws inspiration from mobile phones – a native device that accounts for over 50% of the internet’s traffic. PWA facilitates the user to visit a site without having to download software from the play store. Uber, for instance, is a renowned service that relies on PWA. A person who’s booking a ride using Uber can do the same through their website, rather than downloading the application. In this way, the technology ensures a seamless liner user experience via smooth navigation and less loading time. Since a PWA can be approached by a search engine query. It has reported a 36% higher conversion rate, 50% better user engagement rate, and 33% reduced maintenance cost as compared to native apps.
Dark Mode UI
We are aware of the damages brought on by excessive screen time, yet we are unable to distance ourselves from our gadgets. Be it our work or a mere social media update, minimizing screen time is something everyone struggles with. However, the need to reduce the use of phones has led to the conception of the dark mode, also known as night mode, shadow mode, or the dark view. The design features a low-light user interface with a dark color as the main background. The approach is contrary to the typical light-on-dark design that has been in use for decades.
A top digital agency would consistently advise you to employ this feature since its primary advantage is that it reduces eye fatigue and consequently enables better user retention on the site. It also renders the site attractive to the user and persuades them to remain and engage on the site much longer.
Furthermore, the dark background accentuates the visual content that increases accessibility and disperses comfort of use on all devices. Lastly, since the dark mode requires less power, it also saves battery and reduces blue light as well. It is for all these reasons that, Android Authority has reported that 81.9% of internet users had accepted the dark mode on their devices. Moreover, a survey by Polar shows that 95% prefer dark mode over light mode.
Voice Search Optimization
The evolution of speech recognition with AI assistants like Siri and Alexa has rendered people more likely to consider shifting to voice search instead of typing their keywords. Furthermore, it has also facilitated visually and auditory impaired people. It is for this reason, that voice recognition technology has taken the spotlight amidst the myriad of current web development technologies.
Voice search optimization is use to enhance websites in a way that they appear in voice search. Since the voice recognition market is assumed to reach over 35.5 billion dollars and approximately 41% of people rely on it, every business that functions within digital marketing is integrating it into their web development strategies to boost their accessibility, reachability, and user experience.
Mobile-First Development Approach
Since there are over 10.53 billion mobile connections all over the world. The top digital agencies have employed the use of techniques that concentrate on improving the user’s experience on the said device. One such approach is mobile-first development. As the name suggests, it is a new strategy to design/develop a website in which the mobile version is create first. Before developing an online experience for desktop. It differs from the traditional web development process as it involves the reverse workflow of first designing the site for desktop and then scaling to adapt to smaller screens.
Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP)
Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) is a well-deserved candidate competing to be amongst the latest technologies in web development. The approach endeavors to provide an uninterrupted web experience, increase the page’s functionality. Maintain the user’s engagement and turn web pages more mobile-friendly and improve their readability.
Single Page Application (SPA)
Single Page Applications is a web application that runs in a web browser but doesn’t reload itself. It differs from a standard website app as it first loads the entire website page, along with its content. By doing so, it delivers a seamless user experience because they eradicate the need to reload the page as the content updates itself automatically. Websites such as Gmail, Twitter, and Facebook rely on this technology to keep their users updated.
Cyber Security
Cyber security involves the protection of computer systems, networks, and data from phishing attacks.
Health, retail, and finance-related organizations are more susceptible to such threats and therefore use algorithms. IoT interaction protection, and mobile security to safeguard the data from an array of cyberattacks.
Server less Architecture and Seamless Applications
Server less architecture is a software development model which facilitates web developers to host the apps through a third party. Serviceable computing obliterates the need of handling server software or other related hardware. Furthermore, it minimizes the risk of system overloading. Data loss and consequently leads to a decrease in development expenses and hence. Is used by Amazon Web Services because of its efficacy and galore of benefits.
Enhanced User Experience with Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality
A well-adapted technology in the tourism, architecture, and retail industry. Augmented and virtual reality is proffering a “real” virtual experience to the user. While augmented reality adds digital elements to the real world. The latter takes the person to an entirely different digital world. Together the two are expected to go beyond the $10 billion mark by 2024.
While the technologies render exceptional user experience. It does require a website to be scalable enough to adapt to the changes. The top digital agency works with a group of proficient web developers that will create a website that includes these strategies and accommodate those that appear in the future.