The Ultimate Guide To Getting Rid Of Frizzy Hair
Frizzy Hair? Here is the Solution

Hair struggle is a genuine problem faced by most women. If you have dry hair, and you live in a humid place, then you are most definitely battling against frizzy and unmanageable hair. At some point in our lives, we have all fought our way through this.
Everyone remembers the first glimpse of Hermione Granger because of her frizzy hair replicating a lion’s mane. Yet, none desire to have hair like it. There are days when your haystack shaped hair or Hagrid’s beard like hair stares back at you from the other side of the mirror. However, one positive thing is that it can be tamed.
Don’t worry if you can’t get rid of frizzy hair. We are here to help you out.
What are the causes of frizzy hair?
If you don’t know what’s causing this worst possible hair scenario, then how will you manage it?
● Moderate to excessive exposure to humidity –
Everyone is aware that heat, humidity and moisture can trigger frizz in hair. However, what is causing that trigger? It is caused by the presence of extensive levels of hydrogen in humidity as your hair is sensitive to it.
Picture Courtesy – Luxy Hair
● Having a naturally dry and damaged hair –
Those who are born with naturally dry hair know that it is one of the most common causes of frizzy hair. Though this problem might seem unsurmountable, it can be handled quite easily. The fact is that oily hair doesn’t become as frizzy as dry hair does because of the absorption of moisture.
Also, damaged hair can be the source of frizzy hair. What causes damaged hair? Excessive usage of dye or bleaching with colours, blow-drying, harmful hair treatments etc.
● The genetic make-up of hair / natural shape of the follicle of hair
Wavy or noodle-like curly hair is more prone to being frizzy than straight hair. What causes wavy hair? Flattened hair follicles. On the other hand, if you are born with round hair follicles, there are chances that your hair will be straight.
Picture Courtesy – Redken
A guide to tackling frizzy hair and all hair care issues during Covid-19 –
During this time of jeopardy called Covid-19 infamously, it is mandatory to prioritize self-care or hygiene.
Can your hair be the infected breeding ground for coronavirus?
Although your hair can’t directly be affected by the virus, any accidental contact with your hand and hair can lead the virus to live on your hair. Your hair is generally porous. So, even though the virus won’t survive there for a long time, any short-term contact can be fatal for your health. So, we suggest you wear disposable gloves.
One major tip for minimization of frizzy hair during Covid-19 –
- Washing your hair but not overdoing it at the same time will work the best for dry hair. Therefore, use any hydrating shampoo and hair conditioner available in the market so that you can get rid of frizzy hair naturally. Alongside, it can reduce the friction in your hair.
Final words of wisdom on frizzy hair care during coronavirus –
- Maintaining social distancing amongst humans and browsing PPE guidelines isn’t enough. You have to do the same for your hair, that is, stop touching your hair frequently to flatten it, detangle it or smoothen it. If you don’t, then hair friction will increase causing more and more frizz in hair.
How to get rid of frizzy hair permanently?
It is your fault that you have over-bleached, over blow-dried your hair in the past years without realizing it is doing more harm than good. There is no point in whining about it. All you can do is utilize the tips and tricks mentioned below to get rid of frizzy hair permanently.
1. Proper hair wash to avoid greasy looking hair –
It is one of the simplest ways to get rid of frizzy damaged hair. All you have to follow is putting shampoo on the scalp and conditioner at the hair ends.
2. A strict ‘NO-NO’ to washing your hair every single day –
You are advised to wash your hair alternately if your hair is more oily and less dry. If that is the opposite for you, then wash your hair every three days. Don’t wash off the natural oil present in your hair completely.
3. Avoid using hair products that contain alcohol –
We have already discussed that dry hair causes frizzy hair. Alcohol inclusive hair products are harsh for your hair as they become dry and damaged. Do we need to say any more?
4. Using one wooden comb a day keeps the static from your hair away –
This might be the most common way to get rid of extremely frizzy hair. How do you do it? Comb and not brush your hair. Start at the hair ends, then gradually move towards the sensitive hair roots.
5. Use hair mask and glycerine to control frizz in hair –
Put on natural, home-made hair masks weekly. Also, try to incorporate glycerine in your hair care as it keeps your hair moisturised, and moisturised hair is equivalent to no frizzy hair.
Picture Courtesy – BodyAndBeans
Top three ‘Do-It-Yourself’ recipes for frizz-free hair –
● An oil concoction that nourishes your hair –
This hair care recipe by Natasha Naegamwala requires the following ingredients: coconut oil, argan oil and honey. Apply this on your hair and keep it for thirty minutes maximum before rinsing it off with shampoo followed by hair conditioner.
● A simple recipe with three ingredients only –
This hair care recipe by Michel Baltazar requires the mixing of three ingredients which are – honey syrup, yoghurt and aloe vera gel to control the frizzy hair from becoming unmanageable.
An easy mist hair spray and conditioning hair mask –
The hair spray recipe by Kanta Motwani requires the following ingredients – a conditioner that has no trace of silicone, aloe vera gel, glycerine and olive oil.
The conditioning hair mask recipe by Kanta Motwani requires the following ingredients – banana, almond oil and droplets of honey.
Top life hacks to get rid of frizzy hair –
- Try to nullify the use of hot water to wash your hair. Instead, opt for lukewarm water.
- Choose satin pillowcases over cotton ones.
- Avoid styling tools that heat your hair.
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Home remedies to get rid of frizzy hair –
Besides keeping a healthy diet and keeping your body hydrated, there are certain nourishment and moisturisation recipes that will keep your frizzy hair in check.
- Apply a smoothened mixture of almond oil and a raw egg.
- Apply a hair mask of avocado and yoghurt.
- Apply a concoction of coconut oil and Vitamin E oil.
- Apply a hair mask made up of mayonnaise, almond oil and two raw eggs.
- Apply a mask of banana, almond oil and a spoonful of honey.
- Apply one pint of beer on your hair scalp, massage it and then rinse it off with biting cold water.
- Apply warm coconut milk on your hair before washing it off with shampoo.
- Do an oil massage with the following type of oils –
- Almond Oil
- Argan Oil
- Coconut Oil
- Jojoba Oil
- Olive Oil
Picture Courtesy – Pinterest
Even a good haircut can solve this problem of living with all-time frenzy frizzy hair. How?
- Thin out your hair.
- Get rid of your split ends.
- Try to get haircuts that aren’t excessively short. Go for a medium length,
We have tried to incorporate some of the easy ways to get rid of frizzy hair in this detailed handbook. Make sure you follow this literally and prepare yourself for beneficial results.