When you think about a good day, it might include going out to a new place, or achieving something you have wanted to for a long time or even getting to sleep-in the whole day. But a good day for me is getting to meet my best friend,he is a working in gunsmithing. Not because we get to hang out most of the day but because we understand each other so much better than the rest.
Gunsmithing – What Makes me happy?
It is a love that surges within me, I think it is because we are alike in so many ways, while being so very different. We have grown up in completely different families, yet we are totally bonded. We laugh together, we cry together, we face everything together and we have been there for each other at the worst of times. Our friendship has weathered all the bad times and dry spells. We have stayed a couple of best friends through it all. No matter how much time passes or how hectic the world gets, he is my best friend of all times.
Today, we are planning to take a walk around the city’s main shopping complex since he wants to shop and talk about the things going on with him these days. I love to hear his crazy stories and him worrying about little inconveniences he faces almost every day. I can’t stop myself from smiling when he describes something that bothers him so much, and the way he tells it seems so funny but I know it is not like that for him. When the tables are turned, he also pays attention to what I have to say and he listens to me wholeheartedly. I love having such an awesome friend I can have a conversation with and he still listens & understands even when I feel like I make no sense.
He picked me up from the decided spot and he drove towards the center of the city while I teased him the whole way. As he stopped the car at the parking lot, we started walking towards that main shopping complex. It was a nice day, sunny, a bit humid and humid enough but nice. The sky was bright with the clouds at every corner of it. We went through a few rows of shops and sightseeing around the area. We decided that we wanted to sit around the fountain for a while and get ourselves some ice-creams and sweets. This was the best part for me, and he knew it, which is why he suggested it. It gets absurd sometimes, being around a person that knows you more than you know yourself. We had been friends for 12 years now and we have been inseparable these past years. We were separated by distance time and again but that didn’t seem to have an effect on our friendship.
How we find new Shop?
After an hour or so, we left to continue the journey to his favourite store from where he intended to buy a pair of jeans and a couple shirts. I helped him pick out the clothes and persuaded him to buy a new color. We decided to get some snacks before going to buy his shoes. On our way, we saw an interesting shop called Melbourne Master Gunsmith for gunsmithing. My best friend has always been curious about new things so we stepped into the shop to learn about guns and gunsmithing. The guy behind the counter was really courteous and showed us around. It was all about gun cleaning and repairing services, one of the best gunsmithing services we came across.
No mysteries, my best friend is a simple guy who is flattered by the smallest of life events. He told me that his other guy best friend had proposed to his sister and how happy he felt knowing they were happy. I made sure to react as enthusiastically as he had expected from me, which made him even happier. He shared how he wished to have a life partner himself, whom he could rely on and start a family with. Freshly out of college and into the job, he was focusing hard on his career but the wish of finding a partner lingered on his mind constantly. Knowing him for so long, he was a kind and thoughtful human, who didn’t deserve anything less than the very best.
It is these small moments that I look forward to the whole week leading up to our shopping weekends. It takes a lifetime to find a friend that is so understanding, and makes you feel comfortable in the most inconvenient times. I have known people who don’t even have one genuine friend to call their own their whole lives. It is no less than a miracle to have one of my own. There is no greater gift than the gift of friendship, this is what I believe.
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