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Top 5 Fiberglass Swimming Pools Problems and Solutions.

Do you have a fiberglass swimming pool on your property or thinking about buying or installing a fiberglass pool? Then This post is for you. In this post, you will know the top five fiberglass pool problems with their solutions.

Most swimming pools are highly costly to install or repair and maintain, but if you know the problems of that pool that you have or going to set up then believe me you’ll going to save a lot of money on repair because if you already know the problems then it might easy to handle that issues on timely.

Fiberglass Swimming Pools Problems and Solutions

So, here are the top 5 Problems of Fiberglass swimming pools have. But don’t worry I will also explain their possible solutions.

Note: This solution is based on my research. If you got any serious problems then it is better to hire a professional swimming pool contractor.

1) If a repair is needed on the gel coat finish, it could be very difficult to get the colors to match.

Problem number one with fiberglass pools is that if a repair is needed on the gel coat finish, it could be very difficult to get the colors to match. That’s because some manufacturers choose to apply their finish layer in a multiple layer finish. They apply the color, maybe a secondary color or a shimmer, and then a clear coat finish of sorts.

But, when it comes time for a repair, if necessary, that can be very difficult to match and give that factory look. The alternative and the solution here is to use a sold surface gel coat finish and to apply the gel coat using Cross Lynx composite technology.

2) Spider cracks in the gel coat.

Spider cracks in the gel coat are one of the major fiberglass pool problems. Spider cracks on a fiberglass swimming can occur for a number of different reasons.

One, perhaps the gel coat or the finish layer was not applied using best practices or the pool was not handled with care during installation or not installed properly and there’s undue pressure from the outside of the pool.

Any flex beyond the gel coat’s capability could cause gel coat cracks to occur, and of course, if it’s not applied properly, it’s a weak layer in your pool.

So, the problem is the spider cracks in the gel coat. The solution would be best practices in applying it such as Cross Lynx composite technology and again, and also careful installation and proper installation.

3)Bulges in the pool wall

Bulges in the fiberglass swimming pool problem that can occur for one reason only if sand is used as a backfill material. So what happens with sand, as I discussed in a previous video, is that once it gets introduced to groundwater it liquefies.

It shifts position, it shifts the shape, and puts undue pressure on the outside of that pool, pushing it inward. Once the sand shifts in position, it puts undue pressure on the outside of the pool, pushing it in creating a bulge.

The solution to this is Rhino Roc construction, which calls for a  clean, crushed stone backfill material, which does not shift position or move or settle after and when groundwater is introduced.

So, bulges in the pool wall eliminated it by the use of Rhino Roc construction. Bulges in the pool wall can be reduced by following the swimming pool cleaning guide.

The appropriate backfill material should be used, but if that backfill material is not placed simultaneous to the water filling your pool and one gets ahead of the other, the water could push a bulge outward and the backfill material could push a bulge inward.

So the two need to be put in place at the same rate, at the same height to hold that wall perfectly in place.

The other thing that could cause a pool wall to bulge is if it’s not appropriately constructed. I mean, it needs to be thick enough and it should be no less than three-eights of an inch thick, so ask your manufacturer what the specs are for manufacturing their pools.

Read Also: Best swimming tips for beginners

4) Fading or discoloration in the gel coat finish.

So here’s the deal: you picked out a beautiful blue pool and you want to keep that same color throughout the life of that pool and as long as you own the home.

Fading or discoloration can happen for a couple of different reasons. First of all, during the manufacturing process, if best practices are not used and the highest grade materials are not used, that gel coat finish could break down prematurely.

The second reason that could cause fading or discoloration is a lack of proper care and maintenance of your fiberglass pool.

Now, fiberglass pools are very easy to maintain and don’t require a whole lot of work. But if the minimum effort is not put in, then fading and discoloration could occur.

So, choose a high-quality manufacturer using best practices, again, so just Cross Lynx composite technology and also be sure to perform your weekly maintenance on the pool and maintain your chemicals.

5) Plumbing Settling and & Leaks

Why does this happen? This happens because the backfill material settles, and when the backfill material settles, it drags the plumbing with it.

Now, that pressure on the plumbing will create stress at the inlet or the return of your pool creating a leak at that very point in the plumbing system.

So is all of the backfill material going to settle?

It will if it’s sand, which is why you should insist on your pool being installed with Rhino Roc construction, which again uses clean, crushed stone as the backfill material, supports your plumbing system, and does not produce leaks.

Final Words 

I hope you know the fiberglass pool problems along with their solutions. Everyone knows every pool has its own ins and outs but if you take care of your pool in a timely manner and clean regularly then it is the best option for you and your family. By knowing the problems you can solve them on time so that you can save time as well as money.



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