Termite treatment does not consider a cost-efficient process to get rid of the presence of termites inside the house and in its nearby surrounding. Most companies will offer termite control treatments with a re-treatment guarantee which means that if termites get back into your home the pest control company will offer re-treatment of the house areas for no additional charges. The best termite control agreement is a damage repair agreement that will include the payment to repair the home where the termites damaged the property.
Termites can more easily be eliminated these days, it is still critical to be vigilant about inspections and termite prevention measures for the home space. The termite treatments will help things out related to pest control issues.
Here in this blog there are top 8 lists are available to help you to prevent termites from damaging your home.
1. Remove Scrap wood nearby your commercial space
Most of the houses have scrap wood present inside their house or outside their space which can cause termite attack anyway. Don’t take things lightly regarding the wood attack.
2. Stack the firewood away from your house surrounding
Firewood is the treasure space for termites and they easily can find comfort in that, so keep your firewood 10 feet or more away from your home.
3. Routinely Inspect the Flashing around your windows and doors every day to secure things from termites
Make it a regular practice to inspect the areas around your windows and doors. Ineffective protection of the wooden furniture and house parts totally allows rain and moisture to grab in behind your window and door frames. Termites are attracted to moist wood completely.
4. Clear if you found standing water anywhere near your house
Look for standing and stable water around your foundation and in your crawlspace. If you find standing water to correct the drainage system to ensure water drains away from your home surrounding.
5. Fix all the roof and related leakage issues promptly
Moisture is a termite’s best friend. Keeping the moisture away by repairing your damaged roof or gutters will go a long way in preventing termites.
6. Do not ignore damages created through moisture
Hire professionals to repair moisture damage and find a suitable termite inspection to get rid of termites. Take the damage one step further to address the root of the moisture problem for the house.
7. Install pea gravel and sand around the foundation of the house surrounding
This suggestion is only for homeowners serious about preventing their space from termites. Install 8-10 inches of pea gravel and sand next to the foundation of your home to keep your mulch from touching your home’s foundation. Termites will face terrible time tunneling through pea gravel which will be profitable to your house anytime.
8. Complete annual termite inspections specifically
Hire a trained and certified inspector to inspect your home space for termite activity, potential moisture concerns, and termite damage annually.