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Top Tips to Bring Your Guitar Back to Life!

So, you finally found the time for your hobby again? Well, for how many years has your guitar been standing in your showcase or storeroom untouched? We assume your guitar is almost lifeless now. But still, when you have taken a breather from the busy lifestyle and demanding career and thought about caressing it once again, why not think of giving it a new life as well? Well, actually you can both do with a new life at this stage!

Best Ways to Bring Your Old Guitar to Use Once Again!

A guitar is such an item that often doesn’t disintegrate even after decades of keeping it isolated. So you are lucky here that you can utilise your favourite instrument once again to relive your passion. But of course, this requires some efforts from your side. Or better still, just head to ColourTone Guitars for guitar restoration. They will carry out all the necessary steps required to bring your old guitar back to life once again through their immense expertise and experience.

Clean the instrument

First thing first. Your instrument is probably covered in spider webs and looking all dingy and smelling bad because of being stored carelessly in the farthest corner of your house. So, start with cleaning the device perfectly. You can wipe it with a dry cloth and study the damage (if any) that is done to your favourite piece of instrument. If it is a wooden piece of guitar and was kept in a damp area, you can already see the swollen parts. And even the looks of it are giving you a mini heart attack, don’t worry — once you clean it nicely, you’ll see the brighter side of it.

The electronic device checking and cleaning

If you own an electronic guitar, then first do check if you stored it with the batteries. If yes, then probably the battery would have leaked and caused a lot of mess for you to deal with. Again, cleaning the mess with a nice guitar cleaning agent or simply a dry cloth will do the trick here. Apart from this part, do check the knobs, selectors, and switches as well.

Detach all the minute parts

Now when the cleaning of the basic part of your instrument is done, start by stripping it one by one. Detach all the strings and pegs and nuts from your guitar and let it stay aside after a bit of cleaning. Now you can just concentrate on the main body of your instrument and try to bring it back to its original beautiful position.

Sanding and polishing of your guitar

Well, let’s start by adding the lost charm to your guitar. You can sand the instrument evenly and let it stay for some time. After that choose the ideal look for your guitar and polish it’s each and every corner neatly. You’ll see that your device is slowly getting back to life.

The right set up and restringing

After you have attached the pegs and nuts tightly once again, take it to the professionals for the restringing of the same. Because only they can adjust it to its best level after cleaning the strings accurately again.

So, isn’t your guitar ready to rock the music world once again with you after this entire procedure? Get set to and rock and roll! 

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