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Transformative Manufacturing with Artificial Intelligence

AI is transforming world and How manufacturing industry can be futuristic with Artificial Intelligence Development. Read here to know more about AI.

The Japanese brought Kaizen to manufacturing and gave the world some of the finest products. Decades later it is artificial intelligence that can play a crucial transformative role in manufacturing. AI in manufacturing will grow in value to exceed $ 1 billion this year and $ 16 billion by 2026.


AI in manufacturing can transform the sector. You could use artificial intelligence development from different perspectives to change or improve manufacturing.

The market perspective

Traditionally there always has been a gap between emerging market trends and manufacturing with manufacturing playing catch up. By the time manufacturing puts out a product it is already on its way to becoming outdated. Mobiles are just one example.

Clothing and fashion is another area. The result?

You are left with inventory that can become dead stock.

AI with big data analysis changes all this and help you, as a manufacturer, to divine market intent while it is still embryonic by, say, listening to social media posts or online searches.

You can design and get products ready for market by the time there exists a demand and mop up customers.

By the same token, there is a trailing edge to demand which, again, AI detects so you can stop manufacturing that product and save yourself the burden of dead stock.

Also Read : Top 10 Trending Artificial Intelligence Applications To Enthuse You

The quality and performance perspective

There are some areas such as industrial products like say nuts and bolts or hardware or components that have little to do with fashion and style.

What could matter more would be quality and performance improvement as well as cost reduction besides assuring buyers of a regular and steady supply.

You can get AI development services to come up with AI manufacturing solutions to address issues in this area.

  • Use IoT and machine vision to monitor manufacturing and identify defects as well as speed of operations.
  • Use AI in parts and components design.
  • It will help in identifying the most suitable raw material, come up with design that makes less use of material without compromising part strength or performance.
  • Automate a string of processes to reduce dependence on humans and avoid human errors
  • Speeding up production leading to consistency and cost reduction.
  • Automate raw material stock and usage and set flags for automatic reordering.
  • Take it a step further by using IOT and AI to monitor machines for preventive maintenance. This way you can prevent major breakdowns disrupting production and high cost of repairs.

Even if you focus on this particular segment of manufacturing it can lead to dramatic transformation and competitiveness in a cut-throat market.

A Forbes survey shows that 40% executives in the manufacturing segment considers AI implementation quite crucial to success.

Managing supply chains

Supply side is not a small thing, especially when you consider automotive where a car maker sources hundreds of parts and components from third party vendors.

How do you achieve synchronicity through choice rather than chance? Humans are prone to errors when number of variables increases and a production line is held up for something as simple as a bolt or circlip.

Get Artificial Intelligence development to design a system that maintains “oversight” on the supply side, keeps track of usage patterns and automatically reorders parts at the right time.

This can be calculated on the usage and on the supplier’s performance in executing orders. Smart system learns through machine learning and becomes smarter. Just in time can become a true reality.

Safety about Artificial Intelligence

You have CNC machines with safety guards. You define processes and train workers. Still, accidents happen on shop floors.

This is largely due to human error, ignorance, complacency or crass carelessness.

Artificial intelligence development can do a lot in this area to improve safety, reduce accidents and risk of liability payments or lawsuits.

Each human worker can be monitored automatically and the ML enhanced AI algorithm detects, through eye and facial symbols or body posture, if an employee is putting himself at risk.

It can be wired to the machine to stop or it can raise an alarm to alert the worker.

Besides saving lives or loss of limbs, AI development for safety in manufacturing can prevent defects in parts that lead to rejections.

One control to rule them all with Artificial Intelligence

You can introduce AI into manufacturing piecemeal in any of the three ways and ultimately achieve tangible gains.

Just start from the top with one control to rule them all and tie together various aspects into a centralized console for better oversight and management decision making.

You can make manufacturing agile across all its segments. Europe leads in AI deployment, at 51% and the US is at 28% with Japan, Korea and China trailing behind.

There is immense possibility for AI in manufacturing and, like Kaizen, it can be incremental. Start with small steps and you will make noticeable gains as you go along.

Just make sure you have the right AI development service by your side.

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