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Trump Seeks to Delay the Election and His Imminent Defeat

On Thursday, US President Donald Trump expressed on his Twitter account his fear that this year's elections would be the "most INACCURATE and FRAUDULENT in history", although this would not be the only one.

The Republican, in the morning hours, published on his Twitter account his doubts regarding the November elections, stating that: “With universal postal voting (not absentee voting, which is good), 2020 will be the most UNEXACT and FRAUDULENT election in history. It would be a great shame for the U.S. to delay the election until people can vote properly, safely, and securely”.

With Universal Mail-In Voting (not Absentee Voting, which is good), 2020 will be the most INACCURATE & FRAUDULENT Election in history. It will be a great embarrassment to the USA. Delay the Election until people can properly, securely, and safely vote???

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 30, 2020

Now, would this be an embarrassment to America or to him?

No wonder, as with every clumsiness of the tycoon, the wave of criticism that was not long in coming. It is not a coincidence that the same day that he published his tweet it was announced that the US economy suffered in the second quarter the biggest and fastest contraction in the country (-32%) since the end of World War II (1947), added to the fact that according to the latest polls, his Democratic opponent Joe Biden is taking the lead in the race for the White House.

During the last time, we have seen that the fear of an embarrassing failure in the elections led Trump to take a 180º turn in his campaign, as it was in the use of masks. Add to this the impediments to the publication of John Bolton’s book plus what was revealed by Anonymous, which brought to light some of his secrets leaving the president between the sword and the wall, and seeing that his desperate maneuvers did not give results he resorted to the last resource in his hands: to attack the mail vote in the face of possible manipulations, without offering any support.

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But with this comes the question, could the elections be postponed? The answer may be hard to believe, but he does not have the power to do so, since according to the 1845 law, elections are held every four years (the Tuesday after the first Monday in November) and to change it, he needs the approval of Congress, which has already expressed itself against this idea, so it seems very unlikely, and if the elections are postponed the end of his mandate would come in the same way on January 20, 2021, according to the twentieth amendment to the Constitution, whether there are elections or not.


Mail-In Voting is already proving to be a catastrophic disaster. Even testing areas are way off. The Dems talk of foreign influence in voting, but they know that Mail-In Voting is an easy way for foreign countries to enter the race. Even beyond that, there’s no accurate count!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 30, 2020

Now Trump’s tail is between his legs, his argument for attacking a democratic right like suffrage is collapsing, as Mañalich put it, like a “house of cards. By not backing up his outbursts with evidence, analysts refute him that the possibility of fraud is minimal, insubstantial. His electoral argument, the economy, has already collapsed, that is, his philosophy about defending the interests of big business, therefore, his own, by opposing the interests of the workers at all costs, while they are being beaten up by capitalist ineptitude. His position is contradictory if we consider that postal voting in the US is already used by several states without much difficulty, allowing Americans to “vote properly, safely” given the global contingency due to COVID-19.

The truth is that he does not want to deal with the cost of exposing himself to an unhappy defeat. Yes, we know your priorities, as demonstrated by your misguided handling of the pandemic’s numbers – these were numbers, not people, but now they are votes, not voters.

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