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Virtual Reality College Tours – Bringing the Campus to Life

The continuous growth in the field of virtual reality technology has allowed both universities and colleges to present their campus in the most engaging and interesting manner. Equipped with 360-degree photography and other scalable technologies, virtual reality college tours enable the educational institutions to instantly transport the prospective students in the middle of the campus, even when they are thousands of miles away. In addition, the students can use these virtual walks as early sorting tools for comparing the services of multiple colleges. Either way, college officials believe that the well-designed virtual tours can help the students to familiarize themselves with the campus.

How virtual tours have become amazing marketing tools for colleges?

Virtual tours form an effective way to enhance the viewer’s engagement and retention. For students, selecting a college is a life-altering decision and hence, it requires thorough research before making a final call. The colleges completely understand this point and make sure that the students almost feel moving inside the campus while watching the tour. Along with this, there are several other reasons why colleges need virtual tours on their website and some of them have been listed below.

  • By introducing a professionally designed virtual tour on the site, the colleges can completely stand out of the line as not every college is equipped with this high-tech tool. Additionally, the interactive experience offered by the tours goes way beyond than the static nature of the website and hence, the tours allow the students to easily understand and retain all the crucial information about the campus.
  • With virtual reality college tours, the colleges can build familiarity with their campus and its facilities, which can be highly beneficial for those students and families that live at a great distance from the college or belong to a completely different country. As they can gain access into your college through these tours at any time during the day and without requiring any assistance from your end.
  • Given the highly competitive environment, the colleges can use such tours to highlight their unique architectural features such as wide halls, lounges, coffee shops, playfields, huge central library and other facilities that can set their campus apart. In addition, the colleges should not forget to stop their tour at specific locations to provide a detailed description and to grab the attention of the students.

How virtual tours can encourage donors?

Besides inviting prospective students, the colleges can also use virtual tours to significantly improve their fundraising campaigns. As the officials might want to use the campaign to remind the alumni about some of the amazing experiences they had at the campus. With such emotional factors, they are more likely to make a donation. In addition, the virtual tours can also be used to maintain the donor relations as colleges can use the tours to showcase the latest advancements in the projects for which they raised funds in the past.


To sum up, the higher education institutes can use virtual reality college tours to offer an experience to the students that is truly sustainable, impactful and distinguishes their institution from the rest. At the same time, students can also consume enormous benefits from such tours and get rid of all the financial as well as time constraints that often prevent them from taking a campus tour.

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