Transportation of goods from one place to another has been on a continuous transformation journey. When there were no automobiles, one had to deliver anything by hand; then automobiles came in, which made it easier to transport goods. Still, there was a gap; the needs were not being met effectively, then came air and sea transportation, and pretty much everything was solved. However, there still came a gap of liability between the customers and the seller. The problem was that the customers couldn’t keep track of their orders; all they could know was when their order was dispatched. After that, they would just have to wait for it until it arrived at their door. Now some products are costly and essential, and a buyer can’t risk it all under any circumstance. All these customer and seller problems had closure with the advent of the GPS logistics box. Information you need to know about the GPS logistics box.
Real-Time Tracking:
Earlier, one could install a GPS in their transportation vehicle to track where the driver is heading, and if something looks suspicious, then the driver can be blamed for it with proof. However, that still didn’t ensure that someone could not steal the package; all they had to do was take the package out of their vehicle, put it in another vehicle, and get lost in the universe. The GPS logistics box solved this problem as it provided the option to track a package particularity. You don’t trust us? Every GPS logistics supplier will tell you the same; it is not a far-fetched futuristic thing that you just heard. The seller and the customer both can have access to track the package in its entire delivery process, so real-time tracking.
To ensure the safety of the product being delivered, the sellers had to pay a lot of money for their insurance and safe delivery. Those hefty amounts were not easy to pay for every seller; as the GPS logistics box came, it made it all so easy not just for the customers but for the seller too. Now the sellers have to put no extra money into the insurance of their products. Besides this, the price of the GPS logistics box is way less than the money they had to pay for the insurance, so money saved and security ensured.
Size Options:
Earlier, the sellers had to pay the same amount for shipment products of different sizes. Even if the product of as small as a writing pen or as large as a car. That was sort of unfair as the people who were selling very small reasonable products had to pay a lot for their delivery. This problem was solved by GPS logistics box as they come in all different sizes, so if one has to ship a small package, they can choose the size accordingly, and if one has to deliver a large package, then they can choose their box accordingly.
Customized Boxes:
The GPS logistics box was initially just green in color. However, the technology advanced over time, so did the GPS logistics box. Now the sellers can get them customized any way they want to make it look unique representing their brand or their company logo. Also, this helps in making their package easily recognizable on the platforms they are being delivered from. The seller can choose from a wide range of colors and logos to give their package the required character.
Brand Recognition:
As said earlier, now the GPS logistics box comes in all sorts of shapes and sizes, and they can be customized with a distinctive logo. Not only does this make the box look unique, but it also makes the brand recognizable. If one is looking for a certain company’s GPS logistics box, they can easily identify it out of hundreds of other boxes thanks to its unique logo. Thus, brand recognition becomes much easier now thanks to this technology.
Technology Advancement:
In the past when people used to make deliveries by vehicles, not everything about the package could be tracked at all times. However, with time and technological advancement, everything has become digitalized. Even if someone takes off your package into another vehicle or van that doesn’t have a GPS track system installed, you will still get live updates on where your package exactly is. Another upgrade that came into this technology was the solar battery concept. So now, even if there is no power supply around, you will still get your GPS logistics box to work with its own power source which is the built-in solar batteries and again, nothing can stop these batteries from working as they are not dependent upon any external factor like electricity or lack of it.
So we discussed how GPS logistics boxes evolved over time and what benefits it brought to both sellers and buyers, but one might wonder why anyone would use such a tool? Well let us list out some of the benefits for you:
- Live Tracking – You can monitor your product’s location at all times. This gives you peace of mind by knowing where your product is at the current time period.
- Cost-effective – You can save money by using GPS logistics boxes. One doesn’t have to pay extra for insurance or the price of hiring a courier guy to deliver their product, all they need is a box and a tracker.
- Easy Transportation – These GPS logistics boxes are easy to carry around. They come in different sizes and shapes, thus allowing you to carry them easily from one location to another.
- WiFi Enabled – Nowadays, every device that exists has Wi-Fi enabled, which makes tracking devices work faster and smoother. So now there is less load on your PC/mobile’s processing power, which allows you to track many devices at once without slowing down your machine etc.
So these were some of the benefits one can get if they use GPS logistics boxes in their business. Apart from this there are many other advantages like security concerns etc. which you can read about in more detail.
So with these great benefits listed out for you, you need not wonder why anyone would want to implement them into their businesses or lives. One can buy GPS logistics boxes online at an affordable price and start reaping the rewards immediately. There is no limitation when it comes to how long you can stay in business nor how much cash you will save by switching to GPS logistics box; maybe you will end up making a lot more money than your competitors who didn’t switch over to using these tools!