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What is BHM Course Details and Hotel Management Course, BHM Full Form

Management department plays an important role in any business. The growth of every business depends on its management skills. Similarly, the progress of hotels also depends on the hotel management. In order to strengthen hotel management, hotel owners hire a person with good hotel management skills. There is a golden opportunity for students to make a future in the field of hotel management, various types of education courses are available in this field. One of them is the graduation degree course BHM Course. BHM Hotel Management has a Bachelor’s degree course. Which can be done in 3 years. In some colleges this course is of 4 years. After 12th grade, students can take a hotel management course, which provides education on hotel management topics. Due to the growing chain of hotels in India, there is a shortage of hotel management staff. Due to which the demand for Hotel Management Graduate is increasing. For the students interested in the Hotel Management Course, the details of the Hotel Management Course Information BHM Course have been given in detail in this article. –  Alpine Group of Institutes


What is a Hotel Management Course?

BHM course is an undergraduate degree in hotel management. Which takes 3 years. Some colleges teach the course of this degree in 4 years. Taking this hotel management course after 12th grade will provide you with every type of education related to hotels. Through this, the student acquires skills in hotel management i.e. running the hotel smoothly. In this course, students learn how to manage staff, deal with customers, and maintain proper hotel arrangements.

New hotels are being built day by day in India. Managers are needed in these newly built hotels. Therefore the demand for BHM Hotel Management graduates is increasing day by day. In such a situation, there is a golden opportunity for the students to make their future in the hotel management field with the help of a BHM course.

Above you just got detailed information about what a BHM course is. After this information, it is also necessary to know what is the full form of BHM. Below we are talking about BHM Full Form in detail.


What is the full form of BHM

The full form of BHM is Bachelor of Hotel Management.

By the way, there is another BHM Full Form besides this. The second BHM Full Form is Bachelor of Hospitality Management. Which is pronounced in Hindi as Bachelor of Hospitality Management. This is also a management related course, which is slightly different from hotel management. A separate article has been written about this course on our website. In this article, we will discuss hotel management only.

So far, after getting complete information about what is Hotel Management Course, what is BHM Full Form, now let us know about the eligibility of BHM course. Who can do a Hotel Management Course? The information related to the eligibility of Hotel Management is given below.


Who can do Hotel Management?

There are many different courses in hotel management. In which the eligibility to take admission is also different. Here we are talking about Bachelor Degree in Hotel Management i.e. BHM Course. Hotel management courses can be done after 12th, colleges have different terms and conditions for taking admission in this bachelor degree course. The details of those key conditions are given below.

  • The student must have passed class XII from any recognized board.
  • The subjects of class XII do not matter. Whereas in some colleges it is mandatory to have an English subject in class 12th.
  • The colleges decide the minimum limit of marks obtained in class 12th accordingly. Which ranges from 45% to 55%.
  • The maximum age limit for taking admission in BHM is 22 years. In some colleges this limit is up to 25 years. Relaxation in this limit is also given according to caste.
  • These are some of the main terms and conditions, which the student has to fulfil according to their college. Apart from this, the method of colleges for admission is different. Some colleges give admission on the basis of marks obtained in class XII only. While some colleges take entrance exams for it.


Let us have a look at the different types of admission methods. First of all let’s talk about direct admission.

Admission on the basis of Class XII:

There are many colleges in India which offer admission in BHM courses on the basis of marks obtained in class 12th. Meaning a student can start a hotel management course after 12th without giving any exam. In these colleges, the minimum limit of marks obtained in class XII is fixed.

For example, if a college has set a limit, then the students who have scored less than 50% marks in class 12th in that college will not get admission in this BHM course.


Admission on Lateral Entry Basis:

Lateral entry facility is also provided in this hotel management course. Meaning admission can also be taken in this course on the basis of lateral entry. Lateral entry means that if a student has already done a diploma in hotel management. So on the basis of that diploma, he gets direct admission in BHM in the second year, due to direct admission in the second year, the student with Hotel Management Diploma does not have to study the first year of BHM course. Because that student has already completed the first year of his diploma course.


Admission on the basis of Entrance Test:

A lot of colleges take entrance exams to get admission in this Bachelor degree. Talking about entrance examinations, in India these examinations are conducted at national level and state level. For example, we are giving the names of some entrance examinations below, after passing which the student gets admission in the BHM course.


Apart from these, examinations are also organised at other college levels. After clearing the entrance exam, the student is called for GD round in the college. Considering the skill of the student, he is allotted a seat in the college.

After getting information about getting admission in a BHM course, it is also important to know about the time taken for the course. How many years is the hotel management course, its information is given in detail below in Bachelor of Hotel Management Course Details.


How long does hotel management take?

It takes a total of 3 years to do a Bachelor’s degree in Hotel Management. Which colleges divide into 6 semesters totaling six months each. But some colleges complete this course in 4 years. So there this Bachelor degree is of 4 years, if you want to do this degree from a good college, then for that you have to prepare for the entrance exam after class XII. Which takes 6 months to 1 year. This time is not added in those 3 years, so students do this degree from those colleges to save entrance exam time. In which admission is given on the basis of class 12th.

But the students who want to take admission in reputed colleges only through entrance exams. And I want to save the time taken in preparing for the entrance exam. Those students prepare for this entrance exam during their 11th and 12th class studies only. So that this degree from a reputed college can be achieved in the shortest possible time. This information was about BHM Course Duration. We will know about BHM course fees further in Hotel Management Course Information. What are the fees for hotel management?


How much is the hotel management fee?

Before going to the fees of hotel management, let us tell you that there are many types of hotel management courses. That’s why all these Hotel Management Courses Fees are different, in this article we are discussing hotel management fees according to Bachelor’s degree. Every college keeps the fees as per its convenience. The syllabus of every college is different from other colleges. Therefore, the fees of the colleges also differ.

It is not easy to give any single figure of BHM Course Fees. According to the average, the management fees in Indian colleges range from about ₹ 100000 to ₹ 1000000. The average fees in a government college ranges from ₹ 100000 to ₹ 300000. Whereas in private institutions the same fee goes up to ₹ 1000000. Although it is not easy to tell all the colleges the exit fees. But for example the hotel management fees which are fixed by the colleges at this time. The statistics of some of those colleges are given below.

College Name BHM Course Fees
Institute of Hotel Management, Catering and Nutrition, Pusa ₹313,000
Institute of Hotel Management ₹128,750
Institute of Hotel Management Catering Technology and Applied Nutrition ₹132,250
Welcomgroup Graduate School of Hotel Administration ₹368,000
Institute Of Hotel Management Catering Technology & Applied Nutrition ₹130,250
Institute of Hotel Management Catering Technology and Applied Nutrition ₹118340
Institute of Hotel Management Catering Technology & Applied Nutrition ₹98800
Institute of Hotel Management, Catering & Nutrition ₹121310

These figures should not be taken as final fees. Because the fees are updated from time to time in the college. Due to which the details given by us and the present college fees may differ. The student is requested to get accurate information about the fees of any college by visiting the official website of that college.


What are the subjects of hotel management

As you know, the BHM Hotel Management course is based on the study of Hotel Management. Therefore, its curriculum is also completely based on the education related to hotel functions and management. The subjects of BHM course are related to hotel management as per the syllabus. For example, below we are talking about the main subjects taught in the course of Hotel Management.

  • Food & Beverage Service
  • Kitchen Operations Management
  • Wines Fundamentals
  • Fundamentals of Management
  • Marketing and Human Resource Management

These are the main subjects in hotel management. These main subjects are divided into the syllabus and taught in detail, apart from this there are separate subjects for General English and Communication Skills. After knowing the syllabus and subjects, we are discussing the career option for the student after BHM Hotel Management in BHM Course Details in Hindi. The information about what a student should do after hotel management is given below in the hotel management course information.


What to do after Hotel Management:

Any student who chooses to do a BHM Hotel Management course. It is necessary for him to understand well about the career option after this course. After Hotel Management, the student can choose any of the two paths. The first way is to start earning by getting jobs after the BHM course. And second, that he should study further after this and make his future bright by getting more information in hotel management. After the BHM Hotel Management course, these two options will be discussed in turn. First of all let’s talk about the various courses to be done after the BHM course.


Which course to do after Hotel Management:

Students who want to pursue higher education after doing a Bachelor of Hotel Management course. Various types of courses are available for them in this field of hotel management in India. For example, the names of some of the main courses from their courses are given below.


Courses after BHM :

  • MBA in Hospitality Management
  • MBA in Hotel Management
  • Master of Tourism and Hotel Management (MTHM)
  • Master of Hotel Management (MHM)
  • MSc in Hotel Management
  • Post Graduate Diploma in Hotel Management


Course after BHM:

Students can gain expertise in Hotel Management by taking these courses listed above. In some colleges, entrance exams are required to be taken for admission to these courses. These courses include master’s degree course and PG diploma course, but students who do not want to do any further studies after doing Bachelor of Hotel Management. And looking for jobs. The information for them in Hotel Management Course Information is given below.


Jobs after BHM:

The BHM course deals with hotel management. Due to which most of the jobs after this course are found in the field of management. Any student who wants to do job after BHM Hotel Management. There are different types of opportunities in India for that. Before going about the job, which are the departments where BHM graduates get jobs. About those departments is given below under Hotel Management Course Information.


  • Hotel and Allied Industry
  • Cruise Lines & Ships
  • Market Research
  • Hotels & Restaurants
  • Education
  • House and Institutional
  • Hotel Management & Food Craft Institutes
  • National and International Airlines
  • Tourism Development Corporations
  • Housekeeping


Apart from these, there are many other departments. Where BHM Hotel Management Degree holders get jobs. In the BHM Course Details in Hindi, you will know about what is the role in the jobs that will be found after this.


  • BHM Hotel Management Jobs Types
  • Manager
  • Catering Officers
  • Catering Supervisors & Assistants
  • Teacher
  • Faculty
  • Cabin Crew & Hostess & Host
  • Field Supervisor
  • Marketing Manager
  • Marketing & Sales Executives
  • Sales Representative

Apart from this, there are many other jobs that can be obtained after this course. After getting the job information, it is also necessary to know about the salary of hotel management.

In this article of our BHM course details in Hindi, we will know about BHM course salary further. After all, how much is Hotel Management Salary per month in India.


Admission on Lateral Entry Basis:

Lateral entry facility is also provided in this hotel management course. Meaning admission can also be taken in this course on the basis of lateral entry. Lateral entry means that if a student has already done a diploma in hotel management. So on the basis of that diploma, he gets direct admission in BHM in the second year, due to direct admission in the second year, the student with Hotel Management Diploma does not have to study the first year of BHM course. Because that student has already completed the first year of his diploma course.


Admission on the basis of Entrance Test:

A lot of colleges take entrance exams to get admission in this Bachelor degree. Talking about entrance examinations, in India these examinations are conducted at national level and state level. For example, we are giving the names of some entrance examinations below, after passing which the student gets admission in the BHM course.


There are also examinations at other college levels in addition to these. After clearing the entrance exam, the student is called for GD round in the college. Considering the skill of the student, he is allotted a seat in the college.

After getting information about getting admission in a BHM course, it is also important to know about the time taken for the course. This information is provided in detail in the Bachelor of Hotel Management Course Details below.


What is the salary in Hotel Management?

Salary in Hotel Management depends on the job role the student gets. Which means what kind of job. His salary will be more or less the same. As you know there are different types of jobs in hotel management. Due to which it is not possible to give any single figure of salary. In the beginning, the average hotel management salary ranges from about ₹ 20000 to ₹ 30000. If your jobs are at a higher level in a five star or 7 star hotel. Then this amount may increase. Hotel Management Salary keeps on increasing with experience. As the person on the job gets old. As his experience goes on increasing. Due to the increasing experience he is offered more salary, overall hotel management is a great option as a career option in the field of management. In which the student can secure his future through this Bachelor of Hotel Management Course.

After getting information about Jobs and Salary as a career option in Hotel Management Course Information, it becomes very important to know further. From which college to do this course.


Top Colleges of Hotel Management:

  • Welcomgroup Graduate School of Hotel Administration, Manipal
  • UEI Global Rohini, New Delhi
  • Amity University, Noida
  • Christ University, Karnataka
  • AIMS Institutes, Bangalore
  • Oriental School of Hotel Management Lakkidi, Kerala
  • Heritage Institute of Hotel and Tourism, Agra
  • BNG Hotel Management, Kolkata
  • Jamia Millia Islamia University, New Delhi

The college names above were again just examples. Apart from these, many more colleges are available in India. While getting information about Hotel Management Course Information in this article, you got information on BHM Full Form, Hotel Management Fees, Hotel Management Salary Top College, etc. Our article was based on Bachelor of Hotel Management Course Details. For whatever purpose, the students or readers who came to this article were hoping to find satisfactory information.

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