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When Should You Get an MRI?

Sometimes, it can be difficult to know when you should go for an MRI scan and whether you need one. If you are struggling with certain symptoms and with getting a diagnosis, and think that getting an MRI might be the next best course of action for you, then here are some of the occasions when you should get an MRI.

1.   You are Experiencing Pain

One of the top reasons why people get an MRI is because they are experiencing pain in a part of their body, such as their lower back or neck. An MRI can help to show up anything from arthritis to tumors, and so getting an MRI can help you to find out what the underlying cause of your pain is, whether it is serious, and what can be done about it. By getting an MRI, you will be able to get your treatment plan started much quicker than you would usually be able to, and you will be able to know whether your condition is long-term. Once you know this, you can then make steps that can help you to live with it both now and in the future.

2.   You Are Struggling to Get a Diagnosis

You should also consider getting an MRI if you have been unable to get a diagnosis previous to this, if your current treatment plan is not working, or if you believe you have been misdiagnosed. An MRI can help to show up medical issues that other scans cannot, and they can allow medical professionals to see the specific site which your medical issue has affected in detail, including your brain, your spine, or your joints. Then, your doctor might be able to give you a diagnosis that they have been unable to before now as they will be able to see exactly what is happening inside of your body and why your current treatment is not working. If you want to book an MRI for yourself, and without waiting for a referral, you should consider scheduling one in with Express MRI.

3.   You Are Getting Headaches

One of the top reasons why people decide to get an MRI scan is because they are getting headaches or migraines that are causing a loss of vision, blurred vision, confusion, or weakness on one side of their body. An MRI may also be used if you have symptoms that are not normally associated with headaches, if these are severe, if your condition cannot be put down to another cause, or if your headaches have become more frequent than normal. This can help doctors to see whether you have had a stroke or tumor, whether you are injured, or if you have an infection on your brain.

4.   Your CT Scan Was Inconclusive

MRI scans are some of the most comprehensive scans that you can get, as they can show up soft tissue which cannot be viewed after other scans, such as a CT scan. Then, although you are usually given CT and other scans first, if these come back inclusive, then you may be offered an MRI scan which can help to give a more detailed picture of what is going on in your body.

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