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Why Learn Amazon Web Services?

Analyzing the Top Reasons

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is the global leader in the IT cloud industry.  It is headed and managed by the E-Commerce giant Amazon Web Company. AWS offers numerous opportunities to excel in one’s career and has many high-salaried job roles. This is the perfect time to get started with the process of building your career in this field. The rapid advancements in the cloud technology are eliminating the enterprises need to have physical servers for web applications. Within the next five years, all enterprises will be migrating to a cloud environment. AWS is currently the leading shareholder of the IaaS cloud market share. AWS is known for its features like most secured and cost efficiency.  The cloud solutions offered by AWS have become the choice of preference for most of the IT and Non-IT enterprises. So, a career in AWS is worth pursuing and has brilliant future career prospects.

Why is the Demand for Amazon Web Services?

For businesses and organizations to maximize their online productivity, the importance of cloud solutions should not be underestimated. AWS Data center management helps organizations minimize the risk of downtime by providing high-quality customer service and effective business operations. Data center management also ensures that applications are running smoothly and without errors. It also optimizes network traffic and security issues. This allows users to access websites in the most secure and reliable way, which is essential for organizations’ productivity.

Amazon Web Services supports a wide range of application domains. These include database, content management systems, ecommerce solutions, and more. One of the most popular applications for Amazon web hosting is the Amazon Simple Queuing System, or Sqoop. This application enables a server to manage multiple queuing requests, allowing for efficient traffic planning for your websites. Other popular applications of AWS include the Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3), Amazon Key Management Service (Amazon KMS), and Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS).

Prominent Services Offered by Amazon Web Services:

Amazon Web Services (AWS) offers several different web hosting plans for all types of businesses. Depending on the size of your organization and the number of servers you need to host websites, these hosting plans may offer solutions to meet your requirements.

Web servers offered by the company are capable of handling both static and dynamic websites. This makes it possible for users to host websites using a single server, regardless of the size of the website or the number of visitors. The company has also created its own Content Delivery Network (CDN), which offers guaranteed delivery of large files and large amounts of data to the web servers of an organization. The Amazon Fast Load Manager is also an important part of the Amazon web services suite.

Now, let’s look at the reasons why learning AWS is the ideal career option.

  • AWS- Fastest Growing Public Cloud in the World

Amazon Web Services was officially launched by the E-Commerce giant the Amazon Company in the year 2006. By the end of the year 2015, AWS has reached revenue of $6Billion USD and since then its revenue is growing exponentially. With the growing demand for cloud solutions, AWS will continue to grow every quarter.

Among the list of products offered by AWS, Amazon EMR (Elastic MapReduce) which is a data-crunching tool is the most extensively used by its customers. Another popular product of AWS is Amazon Lambda which is a server-less product and is growing at a compound annual growth rate of 18%. Looking at these remarkable trends in AWS, one can expect an accelerated career in Amazon Web Services.

  • AWS Skills on the List of Most In-Demand Skills Since 2015

Both cloud and data analytical skills are among the most in-demand skill sets in the current age of Big Data. Developing skills related to AWS cloud is the perfect option to advance in a career in this dominant field. Despite the surge in the demand for AWS professionals, enterprises are facing a shortage of qualified professionals in this field.

As per the stats released by Naukri, there’s a requirement of more than 350,000 cloud professionals in AWS and this clearly is a clear indication that developing skills in AWS will surely get you hired. More than 60% of the cloud job postings on Naukri are related to AWS. This demand for AWS skills is expected to grow in further years as well. You can master the core technical and non-technical skills in AWS with AWS Training in Hyderabad program by Kelly Technologies.

  • Increased Enterprise Cloud Migration to AWS

Most of the enterprises these days irrespective of their size are going server-less by migrating to the cloud.  A report from the Silicon Valley group states that more than 77% of companies were dependent on traditional services till 2015 and by the end of 2018 this percentage has dropped down to 43% as many companies have migrated to cloud. There is an increasing demand for cloud solutions offered by AWS and many enterprises require professionals who can help them in successfully migrating their business to the cloud. Enterprises are mostly relying on AWS Solutions Architect professionals to successfully integrate their business operations with the cloud.

  • AWS Careers Pay Top Money

AWS has several high-paying job roles like AWS Certified Solution Architects professionals can expect a salary as high as $121,292. Other high-paying job roles in AWS include AWS Enterprise Cloud Architect who earns more than $138,051 and AWS Senior Cloud Solutions Architect earns a salary of $132,092 and above.


This article on EZPostings has given you a clear idea of Amazon Web Services. With AWS becoming the pioneer leader in the cloud industry, enterprises are constantly investing in migrating their business operations into AWS cloud. So, clearing certifications in AWS by developing core technical skills in this field will make you eligible for the high-paying job roles involving AWS. You can develop both technical and non-technical skills in AWS with AWS Course in Hyderabad program by Kelly Technologies. This course prepares you for the high-paying job roles in AWS, and this is the perfect time to get started with the process of developing skills in AWS.

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