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Why they are strong candidates

congress leaders in Assam

The recent congress leader in Assam is ripun bora when the party established the kuladhar chaliha was the first elected president. Theirs headquarter at Rajiv Bhawan at Assam city India national congress establish in Bombay in 1885 was only 72 ambassadors all over the country at that time, But now they one of the strong candidates in the election process. The main goal is to have friendly relations wish among other countries and they want to develop their nation .and they need not want any caste, regional base in their nation. Their election symbol is handling which is the back with the national flag.

 About their service

 The reason behind their strong platform is that they meet directly to the votes to solve the problem and they have a more unique project to develop their nation. When there are elected by the votes at that higher position time they do what they say and besides they do more than them, they launce form developing project in the country.

It is a city in India where a billion people are revolving there resent problem was they can sort their problem as much, so the congress leaders in Assam launched one project. Not only this they launched more schemes and projects to develop their nation. But some the project may be a drawback for the poor hold but their generation may gain the profit from it.

What was the project at Assam Realest?

 The recent scheme the lunched in Assam by the congress leaders in Assam video context, were the congress leader at the present stage they explain bout the contest. Were it is 2 mins video where the votes can catch the problem of what is going on in the state when they can upload it to their respective congress page. Where the upgrade users have to write their status about the problem in the hashtag and they have posted.

 From this video, their problem could be sorted out, and on another side there well news update about their state. To attractive more, they rewarded the votes IPhones gift and much more form this site the best vide will be selected and reward by the congress leader in next coming stage speech. Through this scheme, they would benefit from but the vote and government. In the scheme, only the 18 plus and votes have joined and other. The Assam people who left in another state can post their queasy on the respective site. From this video they can about their list votes candidates in the Assam and in that video also they give some tips on where the vote’s name was on the list.

Bottom line

Many other opposite parties stated to oppose them in the election, where they stated have their strong base all over the nation. Most members they hold are professional and know them city problem and a great helper. This is the reason behind them being hard candied in the election period.

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